Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Purpose of my birth

As I think of the day I was born,
Trudging slowly many a  furlon,

Fathom I cannot my story and purpose,
What to believe and which ones to oppose

Wild Celebrations are the wordly norm,
Looking for more substance over real form,

By being born,what stands to my credit,
Its just destiny,good luck and God who did it.

But I can make this day worth savouring,
By doing a good deed, or a helpful offering.

Try to alleviate someone of his problems,
Help him find his way to freedom solutions

Assuage the dying hunger of a human being,
Being the reason for it is devinely satisfying.

Make a donation,charity or give alms away,
Do so humbly and let it happen in your sway.

Forget the toxic beer mugs and mirage friends,
Have the conviction to move away from trends.

As the day of your birth ends,
Enjoy the time,your life lends
With a clear message that it sends,
This is the only chance,so lets make amends

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