Sunday, June 26, 2011

pleasing souls rather than people's ego.

I have a feeling about this  - what is God? i can safely conclude God is nothing but peace of mind.How can that be achieved? Well for once,peace of mind cannot be achieved when one is bound by desire for oneself.Bcoz with desire ,comes expectations and responsibility..
Then, What is the solution? Shouldnt a person have relationships,have children or get into a family mode?and if yes, aint i responsible for them, their future? and if yes,shouldnt i be thinking of achieving,accumalating wealth and save for the rainy day? all these actions are nothing but desire.
So what should i do?

First - Let your innerself dawn that people who are around you are independent souls.A person who says she is your wife - is also a being who is selfish - every being is selfish when he/she has expectations with the other.

Second - Seeing 'your people' happy gives u happiness,bcoz u think u have done ur responsibilities.It makes u happy as u have patted urself on ur back.It doesnt make u happy bcoz u have pleased a soul.So this is self gratificaton

Third - Lets renounce these souls as "ours"...they are not "my wife" ,"my daughter".They are souls around you.Continue to provide them with a decent way of life,but dont do it as they are "urs"

The test of this is

U shud get the same happiness when u feed an unknown child as u get when u feed "ur own"
When u feed a child from the orphanage it is called charity and when u feed ur is called love....
how hypocritic? this happens bcoz u have the concept of "own" and "other"

To evolve further, try and make people around u smile,help the needy without the feel that "you" are helping other words get selfless, train ur soul to do activitiy without self expectations...
Dont expect a person whom u helped to come and say thanks......if he says it ..its ok and doesnt concern you.....if he doesnt even acknowledge you ,it shudnt depress you as u didnt expect anything from him.

Lets see God in every human - lets strive to towards pleasing souls rather than people's ego.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My Abaper

Appreciate the value of an abaper,
He can make you rich or a pauper,
consider his common sense as gold,
When he does more than he is told

Is it you or him who is at fault,
No matter are taken apart,
You cant depend on him and relax,
Its time,you learn to assemble syntax,

It takes some attitude to own it up,
To take all the blows and then get up,
Trust your senses and hang in there,
Be alert,next time around,take more care

He is one with you in the team,
Cover for him,like milk under cream
He is after all doing his best,
What will you achieve putting him to test