Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Be My Counsellour

Gaze at the night starry,
Leave aside all your worry,
My life turns into an eclipse,
Without your graceful glimpse

Appreciate my endless value,
Enrich it and continue to persue,
Potentially, it has a vast spread,
But, You show me what path to tread.

Forge me ahead with your grit and will,
Without your support, I am still nill,
Absorb my feelings, be my punching bag,
When my face is glum with a sag.

Your words of advice is like nector,
The more I drink,more the better,
You make feel full and complete,
Without you, I become obsolete

You are my concern and my focus,
Rest all factors are all false and bogus,
If you get even the smallest cut, I sink,
Bleed and cry,can you see the close link
It remains the same,if your head aches,
To cure you,I will do all that it takes.
If your teeth pain,I cannot eat,
Even if you give me a maggi treat.
My self interests is to be with you,
But,I have to give you the space that is due

Protect me with your wise thought,
Share with me,all that you have got,
Lead me to my correct destination,
With you,I shall achieve salvation.

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