Thursday, August 4, 2011

US L1 Onsite

L1 Long Term Onsite,you bet,
is one experience to forget,
Moneywise in dear deep debt,
This decision,i totally regret.

Without support or help here,
Office or market,nowhere near,
How to survive is what i fear,
All i can do is shed a sad tear.

USA glittered from far away
Thought i am here to stay,
The reality dawned once i landed,
in middle of nowhwere i was stranded

Set me free from this bondage,
Let me move on to another page,
The more i run,further i go,
The world says,i told you so.

Then,i decided to fight it out,
step by step, bout by bout,
Hang on by the hour,by the day,
You will win, is what i can say

1 comment:

  1. Kavivarya Swami Maharaj, no actviity on this blog since Aug '11. What happened?
